This annual Scholarship Program celebrates young leaders who have excelled in their achievements as 4-H club members and at school and in their community.
The West Niagara Agricultural Society in co-operation with the Niagara 4-H Association is pleased to present the TRICIA VAUGHAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. Through this program we aim to develop an awareness of the importance and benefits of higher education. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.
The Scholarship application deadline is August 15th each calendar year.
Please submit applications to:
West Niagara Agricultural Society
7402 Mud Street
Grassie, ON L0R 1M0
T:(905) 309-9939
About the Tricia Vaughan Memorial Scholarship Program
This annual West Niagara Agricultural Society Scholarship Program celebrates young leaders who have excelled in their achievements as 4-H club members and at school and in their community. The Scholarship has been running since 2007 and the purpose of this program is to develop an awareness of the importance and benefits of higher education. It is offered by the West Niagara Agricultural Society with the cooperation and support of the Niagara 4-H Association to current members of Niagara 4-H who have completed at least six projects and are enrolled in a recognized post-secondary education program. The Tricia Vaughan Memorial Scholarship awards three scholarships in the amount of $1000.00, $500.00 and $250.00. Applicants must submit a copy of their academic report cards of their last year of secondary school, a list of their extra-curricular activities, their completed 4-H clubs, involvement in the community and a brief essay discussing their personal goals.
Winner 2023- Tiauna Lodewyk
"It has often been said that experiences make the best teacher and will shape a person
into who they will become. The 4-h program grasps this well by the policy to provide
experiences by which learning occurs as opposed to simply the information itself. The 4-h
motto, “learn to do by doing,” and the 4-h pledge, calling all members to committing their heads, hearts, hands, and health to learn and serve their community, country, and world, is just a taste of the impact that 4-h has had on young people by giving them the life experiences to learn, grow, and serve their community.
4-h has impacted my life and has shaped the direction of many of my personal goals and
future objectives. Growing up as the third of six children, I remember watching my older siblings train their animals and compete at local fairs each year; I couldn't wait till my turn came! My first year in 4-h, I had the privilege of having Tricia Vaughan as my Dairy Club leader and saw and experienced her dedication and self-giving nature to her community and the 4-h world. I learned consistency and responsibility, and I gained confidence and practical agriculture skills while working to train my animal project for the show ring and to compete at my best each year."
Congratulations to Tiauna! Well deserved recement of the 2023 Scholarship.
2023 Scholarship Winner Tiauna Lodewyk
Winner 2022 Hunter Roszell - applicants are asked about their Future.
"To start off, my goals outside of my future career or education would be to compete at The Royal winter fair this year and for the years to come. I love attending the Royal each year because it allows me to give back to the public by answering any questions people may have about 4-H, while also getting a chance to bond with people from other counties that attend. Now, goals within my career or education are things that I actively work on and strive for each day. For my first year at the university of Guelph I hope to join many different clubs related to engineering in hopes to network and gain experience. In addition, some short term goals within the next 5-7 years in which I have for my engineering career is to gain valuable experience through my co-op program at The University of Guelph, while graduating with honors. I hope to gain experience in many different scenarios such as working on water treatment plants, consulting for companies and to help design air pollution control centers. Additionally, after my time at Guelph I hope to pursue a masters degree in engineering in order to help further my career in engineering and education. As well, long term goals are to work for Earth water limited, who are one of the top companies to work for as an environmental engineer. Additionally, I will work towards helping make the water treatment plant’s more effective. Finally, throughout my whole career I hope to make a difference in the world by making it a cleaner/greener place for future generations to come, and I will achieve that through engineering a better world ."
Scholarship awarded at the 2022 West Niagara Fair by President Annette VanMarrum and members of the Vaughan Family to Hunter's brother on Hunter's behalf as he was unable to attend.
2021 Tricia Vaughan Memorial Scholarship Winners
The annual Tricia Vaughan Memorial Scholarship celebrates young leaders who have excelled in their achievements as 4-H club members and at school and in their community. Now in its sixteenth year, the purpose of this program is to develop an awareness of the importance and benefits of higher education. It is offered by the West Niagara Agricultural Society with the cooperation and support of the Niagara 4-H Association. The scholarship is open to current members of Niagara 4-H who have completed at least six projects and are enrolled in a recognized post-secondary education program.
Due to Covid the 4-H program saw many changes to mostly virtual meetings and subsequently fewer members. Only one scholarship was awarded this year in the amount of $1000.00. Applicants submitted a copy of their academic report cards of their last year of secondary school, a list of their extra-curricular activities, their completed 4-H clubs, involvement in the community and a brief essay discussing their personal goals.
Tricia’s parents Norman and Catharine were pleased that Jade Gibson was chosen as the scholarship recipient.
“Once again the scholarship selection committee did an excellent job of choosing this very deserving winner,” said Catharine Vaughan. “We were especially pleased to note that Jade has been an active participant in our local fairs, and 4-H clubs. We have known Jade for many years. She radiates happiness and enthusiasm. She is a marvelous mentor to the younger 4H members, and gives of herself, not only to the 4H clubs, but to everyone in her community. Jade is truly deserving of this award.”
Jade Gibson has been an active participant in more then 50 4-H clubs over nine years, excelling in Mini Horse Club, Scrapbook, Explore Club, Rabbit Club and more.
“If I had to pick only one club that I really liked”, says Jade, “it would be the Explore club because I got to try many new things and I always enjoyed meeting new people.”
If leaders had to pick one thing they remember about Jade is her smile and her welcome to new members. Always making sure she spoke to them and made them feel comfortable. Maybe also Jade Gibson in the 4-H Back Bacon Booth, as she spent many hours volunteering in that booth.
In Grade School Miss Gibson, travelled to Grimsby as part of the French Immersion program. There she excelled in developing her oral French. “A regular day”, she says, “would be all French except for our English class. I started French Immersion in Grade 4 until I graduated and continued French Immersion throughout high school at Grimsby Secondary School.”
Now Jade has grown up. “I am 18 now and I have my home on Concession 3 just outside of Smithville, but I am attending Ottawa University. I chose the Ottawa Algonquin Collaborative 4 year program to receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. It has a good stimulation lab and is known for its hands-on facility.”
“It is going well, tons of memory work, and a lot different than high school! The class I like most is Philosophical issues in healthcare as I am able to see what ethical issues there are and talk about resolutions that could be made to resolve these issues. The hardest class is Anatomy as there is a lot of memory work. I will do my practical work at Pembroke Regional Hospital.”
Congratulations to Jade, she will be using her scholarship money towards her tuition.
The West Niagara Agricultural Society together with Niagara 4H are pleased to announce the Tricia Vaughan Memorial 2020 scholarship winners.
$1500 to Matthew Roszell, Wainfleet - attending University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus for Agricultural Diploma
$1000 to Alessandra Campigotto, Welland - attending Carlton University for Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree
$750 to Emma Roszell, Wainfleet - attending Brock University for Bachelor of Accounting Honors Degree
$250 to Chloe Grabell, Wainfleet - attending Ridgetown College for Veterinary Technology
Because all the applicants were so outstanding we decided as an Executive to award a 4th of $250. There were 4 applications received in total.
Congratulations to all!